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Module Code - Title:


Year Last Offered:


Hours Per Week:













Grading Type:


Prerequisite Modules:


Rationale and Purpose of the Module:

The aim of this module is to provide the student with an appreciation of and insight into how to build Lean systems around production activities and how to deploy Lean into other business processes essential for the transformation to a Lean Enterprise.


1. [Hoshin Planning] Organisational Planning Approaches; Planning lean implementation using Hoshin Kanri Policy Deployment. 2. [Visual control] Multiple levels of visual control building on 5S implementation 3. [OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) & TPM (Total Productive Maintenance)] Use of these proven techniques in the creation of stable processes to support the implementation of lean. 4. [Jidoka (Built in Quality) and Poka Yoke (Error Proofing)] Eliminating quality problems at source to support flow of product through processes. 5. [Understanding the Voice Of the Customer (VOC), Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and Design for Manufacture (DFM)] Customer focus internal/external, sourcing, critical-to-quality requirements; Eliminating potential operational waste and cost at the design stage. 6. [The Lean Enterprise] Extended Value Stream Mapping through the entire supply chain; The application of Lean from Cradle to Grave in pursuit of perfection.

Learning Outcomes:

Cognitive (Knowledge, Understanding, Application, Analysis, Evaluation, Synthesis)

On completion of the module, the student should be able to: 1. Define the characteristics, role and importance of a Lean supply chain 2. Describe and use the main Lean supply chain tools 3. Identify the different elements and levels of visual display and visual control 4. Describe the different applications of visual control in the workplace 5. Explain the elements & function of OEE 6. Calculate equipment OEE & identify how to use it 7. Describe TPM and Autonomous Maintenance & explain their differences 8. Explain how to implement TPM & Autonomous Maintenance 9. Define the main elements of Jidoka & Zero Quality Control 10. Describe the role of Source Inspection & Poka Yoke within ZQC 11. Identify and apply the various types of Poka Yoke methods 12. Describe the Value Creation Framework & Voice of the Customer concepts 13. Explain the QFD methodology and its benefits 14. Identify how VSM is applied across extended value streams and in transactional processes 15. Explain how Standard Work and Cells are applicable to transactional processes 16. Describe how Lean Product Development practices can reduce product costs 17. Identify & explain the practices and benefits of DFM & Concurrent Engineering 18. Explain Hoshin Kanri policy deployment & describe how to implement it 19. Define the importance culture in sustaining a Lean transformation 20. Discuss the role of leadership in creating a Lean culture

Affective (Attitudes and Values)

Understanding of the strategic roel of improvement in organisation success

Psychomotor (Physical Skills)


How the Module will be Taught and what will be the Learning Experiences of the Students:

Delivery is a hybrid of traditional distance education and online learning together with a number of face-to-face / on-line tutorials. In addition, there are online discussions moderated by a subject matter expert on elements of each module to reinforce the learning and maximise the benefit of the programme for participants.

Research Findings Incorporated in to the Syllabus (If Relevant):

Prime Texts:

AUA (2007) Module Study Notes , AUA
Murman et al., (2002) Lean Enterprise Value , Palgrave, Hampshire, UK
Ohno, T., Rosen, C. (Translator) (1995) Toyota Production System: Beyond Large Scale Production , Productivity Press

Other Relevant Texts:

Programme(s) in which this Module is Offered:

Semester(s) Module is Offered:

Module Leader: