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Module Code - Title:


Year Last Offered:


Hours Per Week:













Grading Type:


Prerequisite Modules:

Rationale and Purpose of the Module:

Today's translation technology rarely stands by itself, but instead is connected with other technology within the localisation process. This has implications for process design and automation, as well as interoperability. This module prepares students for the integration of different translation technology in complex processes. It outlines the principles of process modelling and typical processes and hand-off points between tools. It also identifies challenges to interoperability that arise as well as solutions currently in use.


Key aspects of a localisation process, as a whole and the individual stages. The cascading supply chain in localisation and its impact on the localisation of proprietary and open source digital content. Strategies and tools to analyse and describe process architecture and organisational models. Workflow and process languages. The role and function of global content management systems and translation web services. The requirement for process automation in localisation, its underlying rationale and challenges. Automated localisation processes using industry-standard methods, tools and technologies. Internationalisation and localisation standards and best practice. Developments in internationalisation and localisation standards and best practice for interoperability since 1985. Ways to monitor and measure performance.

Learning Outcomes:

Cognitive (Knowledge, Understanding, Application, Analysis, Evaluation, Synthesis)

On successful completion of this module, students should be able to: 1 - Explain prevalent translation technology systems and processes. 2 - Differentiate between variant approaches to process modeling. 3 - Differentiate between different localisation standards and their role in interoperability in translation technology systems. 4 - Identify complexities in approaches to global content management systems and translation web services. 5 - Predict limitations in application scenarios.

Affective (Attitudes and Values)

On successful completion of this module, students should be able to: 1 - Acknowledge the role of the cascading supply chain in the industry. 2 - Differentiate between different types of translation technology systems, their benefits and limitations. 3 - Initiate improvements in their implementation and use of such systems for specific scenarios.

Psychomotor (Physical Skills)


How the Module will be Taught and what will be the Learning Experiences of the Students:

Students will review the literature on translation technology systems and processes through journal papers, industry white papers and case studies (knowledgeable); Students will be made to give group based (collaborative) presentations (articulate) in which they identify and discuss the latest trends in translation technology systems (proactive), as well as potential applications to the workplace (creative).

Research Findings Incorporated in to the Syllabus (If Relevant):

Prime Texts:

Harmon P. (2014) Business Process Change: A Managers Guide to Improving Redesigning and Automating Processes (3rd Edition) , Morgan Kaufmann

Other Relevant Texts:

Programme(s) in which this Module is Offered:

MSMCLOTFA - Multilingual Computing and Localisation

Semester(s) Module is Offered:


Module Leader: