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Module Code - Title:


Year Last Offered:


Hours Per Week:













Grading Type:

Prerequisite Modules:

Rationale and Purpose of the Module:

This module aims to provide an induction into third-level study for European Studies students and to mediate to new third-level learners the nature of European Studies as a combination of different academic disciplines and interdisciplinary possibilities. The module seeks to develop critical analytical skills, oral and written presentational skills and to provide new students with a critical overview of the contemporary state of their field of study. It will also have the goal of enhancing group experience and dynamic within the course with a view to maximising the educational benefit students derive from their disciplinary and linguistic studies. It will foster an awareness of the importance of autonomous learning and participatory research in the undergraduate educational experience. Finally, it will promote awareness among students of the fact that they will be working in an intercultural field and of the consequent importance of developing intercultural competences.


This introductory module is organised around selected set of themes in the interdisciplinary field of European Studies. Each theme set is formulated as a question put to participants, for unpacking, development, autonomous research, and intensive, teacher-facilitated discussion. The central focus of the module will be on fostering in new entrants the skills necessary for full engagement with the European Studies degree. Topics for study may include the following: Geographical and territorial definitions of Europe. Linguistic issues in Europe. Unity and diversity of European culture. The 'cultural industry' in Europe. 'European' values, democracy and diversity as case studies. The question of a 'European' economic model. Citizenship in European and global contexts. The role(s) of Europe within globalisation and a wider 'world' system. Colonialism, its practices and its legacies. Ireland in a European and a global context.

Learning Outcomes:

Cognitive (Knowledge, Understanding, Application, Analysis, Evaluation, Synthesis)

On successful completion of this module students should be able to: - Critically reflect on their disciplinary affiliation as students of European Studies and on the possible interrelationships between the subjects they have chosen to study in their degree programme - Examine regional, national and local questions with a sensitivity to their global aspects - Identify and utilise a variety of documentary sources in the construction of arguments and presentations with respect to selected themes in the field - Work collaboratively in the preparation and delivery of class presentations on selected topics - Engage constructively with opposing viewpoints and with criticisms offered in the course of classroom activities - Apply insights obtained in preparatory and class work to other contexts in their academic work - Assume ownership of and responsibility for their learning experiences as European Studies students

Affective (Attitudes and Values)


Psychomotor (Physical Skills)


How the Module will be Taught and what will be the Learning Experiences of the Students:

Research Findings Incorporated in to the Syllabus (If Relevant):

Prime Texts:

Annette T. Rottenberg (2000) Elements of Argument. A Text and Reader , Bedford: St. Martins
Neil Browne and Stuart Keeley (2006) Asking the Right Questions. A Guide to Critical Thinking (8e) , London: Prentice Hall
() Selected Scholarly and Newspaper Articles relevant to each theme ,

Other Relevant Texts:

J. M. Roberts (1997) The Penguin History of Europe , London: Penguin
John Pinder and Simon Usherwood (2007) The European Union. A Very Short Introduction (2e) , Oxford: OUP
Simon Sweeney (2005) Europe, the State and Globalisation , London: Longman
Norman Davies (1997) Europe. A History , London: Pimlico

Programme(s) in which this Module is Offered:

Semester(s) Module is Offered:

Module Leader: