Module Code - Title:
Year Last Offered:
Hours Per Week:
Grading Type:
Prerequisite Modules:
Rationale and Purpose of the Module:
To acquant students with the physical appearance and behaviour of the healthy horse so that signs of ill health and disease are recognised at an early stage, thus enabling them to make informed decisions about the necessity for veterinary intervention.
To acquaint students with disease conditions of toxicologic origin and with the causes, management and prevention of infectious diseases.
To acquaint students with the physical appearance and behaviour of the healthy horse so that signs of ill health and disease are recognised at an early stage, thus enabling students to make informed decisions about the necessity for veterinary intervention. To acquaint students with disease conditions of toxicological origin and with the causes, management and prevention of infectious diseases. Topics covered include parasitic, bacterial and viral diseases of the horse. Diseases of metabolic and degenerative origin are also discussed, including degenerative orthopaedic diseases and osteoarthritis. Disease conditions of the airways and their impact on athletic performance of the horse are discussed from the perspectives of contributing environmental factors and prevention.
Learning Outcomes:
Cognitive (Knowledge, Understanding, Application, Analysis, Evaluation, Synthesis)
Understand the fundamental aspects of equine health and the origins of disease, or departure from health.
Describe the common parasites and important bacterial and viral diseases of the horse.
Describe how the environment influences susceptibility and resistance to various diseases.
Affective (Attitudes and Values)
Embrace the scientific principles of disease management.
Acknowledge the origins of disease vis a vis infectious and non-infectious origins.
Integrate disease prevention into an equine management strategy.
Psychomotor (Physical Skills)
Assess risk factors that predispose to infectious and non-infectious diseases in horses.
Demonstrate proficiency in the evaluation of basic equine health and be able to execute some elementary laboratory skills used in disease detection and prevention.
How the Module will be Taught and what will be the Learning Experiences of the Students:
This module is delivered in the form of 1 hour lectures and 2 hour laboratory sessions. Public folders are used to distribute lecture material and provide access to relevant scientific journal articles.
Research Findings Incorporated in to the Syllabus (If Relevant):
The module is constantly updated as scientific literature on relevant topics becomes available.
Prime Texts:
Sandy Love and David Murphy (1998)
Certificate in science (equine science) through distance education. Module EV2915, Equine health & disease
, Limerick : International Equine Institute, University of Limerick
Stephen M. Reed, Warwick M. Bayly, Debra C. Sellon (2004)
Equine internal medicine.
, St Louis, Miss. : Saunders, c2004.
Other Relevant Texts:
Pavord, T. (2004)
The complete equine veterinary manual: a comprehensive and instant guide to equine health
, Newton Abbot : David and Charles
Programme(s) in which this Module is Offered:
Semester(s) Module is Offered:
Module Leader: