Module Code - Title:
Year Last Offered:
Hours Per Week:
Grading Type:
Prerequisite Modules:
Rationale and Purpose of the Module:
Basic genetics including, cells, chromosomes, genes, alleles, gametes, genotype, phenotype; mitosis; meiosis and its role in genetics, genetic recombination; distances between genes; linked genes, Gene mapping; chromosome structure; DNA; replication, transcription, translation and the genetic code; Inborn errors of metabolism; Sex limited inheritance; PCR; Mendelian genetics including recessive, dominant, X linked and polygenic inheritance. Gene interaction, codominance and incomplete dominance; epistasis; Equine coat colour loci including extension, agouti, colour diluting loci, epistatic modifiers, tobiano, overo and spotting loci, mendelian and non mendelian aspects of equine coat colour; Biological basis of sex; X chromosome inactivation; Pedigree analysis and inheritance, determination of inheritance patterns; the normal karyotype; parentage testing of horses, including blood group testing, biochemical polymorphisms, DNA testing; Abnormal chromosome number and structure; including sex chromosome abnormalities and autosomal trisomies; population genetics, The Hardy-Weinberg law, extensions to the Hardy-Weinberg law including multiple alleles and X linked genes; genotype frequencies; heritability; narrow and broad sense heritability; quantitative trait loci; genotype-environment interaction; estimated breeding values and selection; BLUP; Relationship; Inbreeding and linebreeding.
Learning Outcomes:
Cognitive (Knowledge, Understanding, Application, Analysis, Evaluation, Synthesis)
On successful completion of this module the student should be able to;
Understand what genes are, how they are inherited and how they interact.
Demonstrate an understanding and an appreciation for Mendelian genetics
Differentiate types of gene interaction.
Demonstrate an understanding for the genetics of coat colour in horses.
Understand the laws of heredity and how they can be applied.
Describe genetic variation in populations as well as the factors that affect this variation.
Affective (Attitudes and Values)
On successful completion of this module the student should be able to;
Integrate the principles of Mendelian and non-Mendelian genetics to equine genetics
Psychomotor (Physical Skills)
On successful completion of this module the student should be able to;
Predict the outcome of genetic crosses
Isolate and quantify DNA
Collect, analyze and present data scientifically.
How the Module will be Taught and what will be the Learning Experiences of the Students:
Research Findings Incorporated in to the Syllabus (If Relevant):
Prime Texts:
Bowling A.T. (1996)
Equine Genetics
, CAB International
Snustad, P. and Simmons, M (2008)
Principles of Genetics
, John Wiley & Sons
Other Relevant Texts:
Bowling A.T. and Ruvinsky A (2000)
The Genetics of the Horse
, Wallingford : CABI
Sponenberg D. P., (2003)
Equine Colour Genetics
, Wiley-Blackwell
Nicholas, F.W (2003)
Introduction to Veterinary Genetics
, Blackwell Publishing
Programme(s) in which this Module is Offered:
Semester(s) Module is Offered:
Module Leader: