Module Code - Title:
Year Last Offered:
Hours Per Week:
Grading Type:
Prerequisite Modules:
Rationale and Purpose of the Module:
The purpose of this module is to provide students with an understanding of the scientific principles of Equine Reproduction and how these relate to the practical applications of equine breeding.
The syllabus is comprised of the following: reproductive anatomy of the mare and stallion, reproductive endocrinology of the mare and stallion, oestrous cycle, fertilization, pregnancy, parturition; neonatal physiology; male reproductive physiology and practical aspects of equine breeding management. The management of brood mares and stallions are presented from a physiological and husbandry perspective. The events at parturition are presented and discussed in the context of the management of the neonatal foal and the early return of the mare to reproductive activity.
Learning Outcomes:
Cognitive (Knowledge, Understanding, Application, Analysis, Evaluation, Synthesis)
Understand the fundamental aspects of reproductive physiology. Describe the internal and external features of the mare's oestrous cycle. Describe the factors influencing the oestrous cycle of the mare and the process of spermatogenesis in the stallion. Demonstrate knowledge of reproductive management and the ability to design and evaluate a successful breeding programme in the equine. Demonstrate proficiency in the evaluation of pregnancy diagnostic methods, including measurement of progesterone and other reproductive hormones.
Affective (Attitudes and Values)
Demonstrate an understanding of the scientific principles of reproductive physiology and how these are applied in the practical aspects of equine breeding management. Evaluate reproductive efficiency of a group of breeding animals and analyse the likely problems associated with equine reproduction.
Psychomotor (Physical Skills)
How the Module will be Taught and what will be the Learning Experiences of the Students:
This module is delivered in the form of two one-hour lectures and 2 hour laboratory sessions including field visits. Public folders and SULIS are used to distribute lecture material and provide access to relevant scientific journal articles. The module is updated regularly as scientific literature on relevant topics becomes available.
Research Findings Incorporated in to the Syllabus (If Relevant):
Prime Texts:
Davies Morel, Mina C. G (2008)
Equine reproductive physiology, breeding, and stud management , 3rd edition;
, CABI Publishing, Wallingford.
Other Relevant Texts:
A. O. McKinnon, E. L. Squires, W. E. Vaala, D. D. Varner (Editors) (2011)
Equine Reproduction, 2nd Edition
, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford.
Samper, J., Pycock J. and McKinnon, A. (2007)
Current Therapy in Equine Reproduction,
, Saunders St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Pycock, J (1998)
Equine reproduction and management of mares & stallions,
, Limerick : International Equine Institute, University of Limerick
Programme(s) in which this Module is Offered:
Semester(s) Module is Offered:
Module Leader: