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Module Code - Title:


Year Last Offered:


Hours Per Week:













Grading Type:

Prerequisite Modules:

Rationale and Purpose of the Module:

To provide an understanding of the influence of motivation, perception, attitudes and group behaviour upon job performance and job satisfaction To comprehend how attitudes are formed and the interaction between attitudes and behaviour To recognise the impact of perception upon managerial decision making To appreciate how group norms affect behaviour at work To differentiate groups and teams To examine the links between motivation, job satisfaction and performance To explain the relationship between job design and job satisfaction and explore ways of motivating employees via job rotation, job enlargement and job enrichment.


- Introducing Organisational Behaviour - Personality - Perception - Attitudes & Values - Motivation - Groups & Teams in the workplace - Communication in the workplace

Learning Outcomes:

Cognitive (Knowledge, Understanding, Application, Analysis, Evaluation, Synthesis)

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to: - Define and show knowledge of Organisational Behaviour theories, concepts and principles and understand how they may influence behaviour within the workplace. - Assess and apply different & informed methods for analysing behaviour in multi-disciplinary groups, teams, departments and organisations - Identify and apply skills and tools that are useful for analysing individual, group and organisational level people and performance relevant issues - Apply Organisational Behaviour knowledge to issues relevant to practicing managers and the business organisation (personality, perception, communication, attitudes & values) - Explain why motivation is important in the workplace and understand the impact of situational factors - Analyse 'real-world' organisational situations through the lens of organisational behaviour.

Affective (Attitudes and Values)

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to: - Demonstrate the capacity to value, interact and participate in group work and advance effective communication skills. - Display the ability to professionally provide recommendations & guidance to management in response to Organisational Behaviour analysis and assessment.

Psychomotor (Physical Skills)


How the Module will be Taught and what will be the Learning Experiences of the Students:

This module will be taught in a blended format using an action-based learning approach. Pre-recorded themed-based sessions will be supported with a series of weekly on-line LIVE Interactive sessions which will be hosted on the University's Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and multimedia (YouTube, TED Talks, Recorded Lectures, Podcasts etc.) which will encourage students to reflect and evaluate their current practices and the trajectory of their professional development. Attendance at all LIVE sessions is highly recommended. They will also be recorded & available on the University's Virtual Learning Environment(VLE). Self-directed study is supported with guided reading and online content via the VLE. While based on essential academic theories, concepts and techniques, there will also be significant focus afforded to individual personal development coupled with the practical application of learning within the workplace. To accomplish our objectives in this module we need to be partners in the learning process. Teaching and learning are two separate activities. Teaching is what we do, learning is what you do. One way of understanding our job is that we are in the role of a "personal trainer." We will do our best to make available to you the tools--and an on-line environment conducive to learning --that we hope will motivate you and encourage you to learn the material covered by this module. But learning is your responsibility. The participants are encouraged to use all available sources available to them in their learning throughout this module. Learn from the Module Leader, learn from your own experience, learn from the experience of others in the class and learn from the experience of the experts that you will find in journals, books and book chapters. Finally, learn from the course assessments and the feedback that will be offered to you. But, ultimately be aware of your own learning, take responsibility for it, and take the time to enjoy it! Fulfilling UL Graduate Attributes: • Knowledgeable - Demonstrate Critical Thinking; Insight into latest developments and theoretical thinking • Creative - Use of a modern eLearning platform; innovative teaching techniques and methods of assessment. • Responsible - Appreciate the importance of adopting a responsible approach to their learning journey and also in their interactions with their peers especially in the context of group work. • Collaborative - Use of social media, online platforms and eLearning environments. • Articulate - Competency in conveying ideas clearly, effectively and professionally; recognition of the importance of effective written, verbal and digital communication skills

Research Findings Incorporated in to the Syllabus (If Relevant):

Prime Texts:

Cross, C. and Carbery, R. (2022) Organisational Behaviour: An Introduction , London: Palgravel

Other Relevant Texts:

Arnold, J., Coyne, I., Randal, R. and Patterson, F (2020) Work Psychology: Understanding Human Behaviour in the Workplace, 7th Edition , Harlow: Pearson Education Limited
Ashleigh,M. and Mansi, A (2012) The Psychology of People in Organisations , Harlow: Prentice Hall
Bloisi, W. (2009) Management and Organisational Behaviour, 2nd European Edition , London: McGraw Hill Education
Whetten, D.A. and Cameron, K.S. (2020) Developing Management Skills, 10th Edition , Harlow: Pearson
Carnegie,D (1936) How to Win Friends and Influence People , New York: Simon & Schuster
Caproni,P.J. (2005) Management Skills for Everyday Life , New York: Pearson Education
Martin, J & Fellenz, M.R. (2017) Organizational Behaviour & Management, 5th Edition , Andover, UK: Cengage
Morley, M., Moore, S,., Hearty, N., Linehan, M. & MacCurtain,S. (2004) Principles of Organizational Behaviour: on Irish Text, 2nd Edition , Dublin: Gill & Macmillan

Programme(s) in which this Module is Offered:


Semester(s) Module is Offered:


Module Leader: