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Module Code - Title:


Year Last Offered:


Hours Per Week:













Grading Type:


Prerequisite Modules:

Rationale and Purpose of the Module:

To introduce students to a range of frameworks to inform systematic thinking on the alignment, design, implementation and operation supply chains to promote their agility, adaptability and growth. To support the lean pursuit of key strategic performance dimensions delivery, quality, and economy in the context of a dynamic, uncertain and competitive operating environment. To consider frameworks appropriate at micro, meso and macro levels of operation. To promote a quantitative approach to supply chain operations analysis. To include a strong human context in addressing diagnosis and design questions.


Supply Chain Context Positioning, competitive priorities and capabilities. Role of operations and associated decision areas. Comparison of services versus manufacturing, supply-chain structures, identification of supply-chains. Operations reference models, Supply-Chain Operations Reference Model SCOR, Design Chain DCOR, Customer Chain CCOR, Product Development PLCOR performance framework. Sourcing Sub-contracting of production and logistics, outsourcing, off-shoring, in-sourcing, globalisation. Product control New product and service development activities (eg Urban-Hauser; Stage-Gate, spiral models), product life-cycle., underpinning concepts such as continuous/radical/ disruptive innovation, customer experience, sustainability. Analysis tools eg customer-choice analysis, quality function deployment. Product validation. Quantity control micro: process mapping, inventory, job sequencing, push/pull order release, model of human scheduling, queuing, littles law, flow factor. meso: forecasting, aggregate planning, routing and network planning, production-inventory system dynamics. Macro: capacity decisions, location. Quality control micro: controllable/uncontrollable variation, sampling for variables and attributes, control charts. Meso: specification capture (QFD), fitness for purpose, reliability and risk analysis, fitness for society. Macro: strategy deployment (Hoshin), quality frameworks ISO, Baldridge, EFQM. Production economy Cost of doing: cost estimation, asset investment cost, capital recovery, activity based costing, unit costing, rate of return on investment, intangibles. Cost of not doing: Feigenbaum quality cost model. Information Systems Hierarchical planning and control systems. GRAI grid and levels of decision and analysis. Enterprise Resource Planning. Operations reference models, ARIS and enterprise integration views. Interoperability at technical and organisational levels. Human factors Micro: planning cycle for individuals - McKay-Wiers planning cycle and supporting social networks. Meso: interfacing role between organisations, planner-schedulers mediation role at supply chain interface (Berglund-Guinery). Co-ordination in enterprise networks, organisational interoperability. Macro: Technology acceptance model and software implementation. Waefler socio-technical model of planner-scheduler engagement and structural impact. Process Improvement Continuous improvement philosophy, commonalities of Lean and 6-Sigma, PDSA, forms of waste, problem seeking, focusing tools, design of experiments, engagement with people, implementation and control, kaizen, DMAIC framework. Capturing the soft side: Qualitative analysis and mixed methods. Project planning and control, specific project methodologies eg PERA. SCOR implementation framework (SCE). Semester project work Reflection on SCOR model and its relation with the framework above. Application in depth of a focused set drawing on the frameworks listed above to solving or analysing specific supply-chain questions in a substantial semester project. The work is to be collaborative, and carried out in project teams using computer mediated communications. The results are to be presented in written and verbal form. Qualitative enquiry should inform the project development path, but the work should be primarily related to quality- and quantity-control processes.

Learning Outcomes:

Cognitive (Knowledge, Understanding, Application, Analysis, Evaluation, Synthesis)

On successful completion of this module students will be able to: Describe the context for supply-chain design in the context of globalisation and control. Describe the nature of flow in operations management techniques and discuss key associated operating characteristics. Demonstrate and apply demand modelling and capacity planning methods. Describe principles of production economy including costing and estimation of potential benefits from lost opportunities and failure of control, and discuss key consequences. Describe important human activity considerations at individual level, at interface level, and at the level of technology acceptance. To describe and discuss the implementation of major supply-chain con/re-configuration such as SCOR through the SCE project template.

Affective (Attitudes and Values)

On successful completion of this module students will be able to: Establish a commitment to the value of operations analysis and systems thinking in thinking about supply-chain structure, process and performance outcomes. Value both technical and human dimensions in design, implementation and operation. Anticipate and respond to the need for change in supply-chain structure and processes and outcomes. Adopt a stance on the philosophy of continuous improvement.

Psychomotor (Physical Skills)


How the Module will be Taught and what will be the Learning Experiences of the Students:

The module will be delivered in a blended learning format, with an initial workshop followed by online support and concept development leading into the application of the material in a case study.

Research Findings Incorporated in to the Syllabus (If Relevant):

Prime Texts:

Jacobs, F. Roberts & Chase, Richard B. (2012) Operations and Supply Management , McGraw-Hill/Irwin
Simchi-Levi D, Kaminsky D and Simchi-Levi (2007) Designing and Managing the Supply Chain , Mcgraw-Hill
Chopra S and Meindl P (2012) Supply Chain Management , Prentice-Hall
Supply Chain Council (2011) Supply Chain Operations Reference Model , Supply Chain Council

Other Relevant Texts:

Boyer, K and Verma, R (2012) Operations and Supply Chain Management for the 21st Century , South Western College
Bolstorff P and Rosenbaum () Supply-Chain Excellence , Prentice-Hall/Pearson Education

Programme(s) in which this Module is Offered:

Semester(s) Module is Offered:


Module Leader: